
  • AUTO BUY: If disabled, after pasting the contract, you can press one of the 2 preset buy amount buttons or the 'BUY X' button. You will then be asked to reply with the amount you wish to purchase. If enabled, you can preset the amount of SOL you want to buy instantly. When you paste the contract to the bot, it will automatically send the buy transaction without any further prompts.

  • BUY BUTTONS CONFIG: Here, you can set your own values for 2 preset buy buttons of your choice. When AUTO BUY is disabled and you enter the contract, you will see your preset buy values. Additionally, while in the active position menu, you can use these buttons to buy more tokens.

  • SELL BUTTONS CONFIG: You can set your own values for 2 preset sell buttons, determining what percentage of your position will be sold. These presets will be displayed when you are in an active position.

  • TAKE PROFIT/STOP LOSS CONFIG: more info here

  • SLIPPAGE: Slippage refers to the difference between the expected and actual trade prices due to rapid price changes. If the market has just launched or is under significant buying/selling pressure, you may need to increase the slippage value; otherwise, your transaction may fail.

  • TX PRIO: Transaction priority for faster confirmation of your buy/sell transaction.

TURBO TIP: we will send 2 transactions 1 regular and 1 with tip to JITO, confirmed will be only fastest.

  • DEX Chart: You can choose your preferred default DEX chart

  • ANTI-MEV: You can enable or disable this option. When disabled, your transaction will process a bit faster, but you will be at risk of being front-run or drained by MEV bots. To ensure the best experience possible, we provide high-level protection against MEV/front-running bots.

Last updated